Strategic Roadmap for Kentucky Agriculture: 2025-2030

Build understanding around farm, food, fuel, and fiber amongst all Kentuckians.

Agriculture education and literacy are essential for cultivating a future generation of informed consumers, businesses, policymakers, and agricultural workforce. We can create a more engaged and supportive public by fostering a deeper understanding of agricultural issues, their significance to producers and consumers, and their broader impact on the Commonwealth. This will be instrumental in achieving the goals outlined in our strategies. A key tactic is to develop a comprehensive course that identifies the opportunities and issues in Kentucky agriculture to help those interested in food and health become informed advocates. Additionally, we will support agriculture literacy partners in expanding their resources and coordinating their efforts to promote the importance of agriculture throughout Kentucky. By working together, we can amplify our message and create a more sustainable and prosperous agricultural future. —Dr. Will Snell, Strategy Lead

View Updated Working Group Document (.docx)

    Tactic 1: Kentucky Ag 101

    Develop suggested presentation for classrooms, businesses, restaurants, health professionals and healthcare students, community organizations, et al. delivered by members of the Ag Literacy Network in-person, but also available virtually. Encourage use of personal stories.

    1. Take inventory of consumer interests with consumer survey. What do consumers want to know about Kentucky agriculture? Consumer survey completed at the Kentucky State Fair - Results
    2. Increase number of literacy network volunteers – need to identify strong local leaders. See Kentucky Agriculture Literacy Network - Website - Includes Extension Personnel, Conservation District Personnel, County Farm Bureaus, FFA Chapters.
    3. Create baseline presentation focused on what’s produced, the people behind it, sustainability, soil health, and economic impact (then tailor-make to food service, business, health audiences, food business employees, and/or specific counties in future). Find those seeking content. - Kentucky Agriculture Overview Presentation - Asking agriculture groups for input/review. Google Slide Version
    4. Seek funding to conduct regional training workshops for agriculture advocates to promote Ag Literacy Network.
    5. Promote Ag Literacy Network and help schools understand where they can go for resources. - Ongoing -
    6. Market to local organizations, such as schools, libraries, restaurant associations, healthcare associations, city/county governments.
    7. Help KY Chamber, KY Chamber Executives, and local chambers identify ag folks and agribusinesses to talk with leadership programs as part of Ag Literacy Network. Train and incentivize farmers and help them understand.

    When? 2024-2025

    Collaborators Kentucky Agricultural Leadership Program alumni could participate as presenters, Ag Coordination & Communication Working Group, Local Chamber offices

    Project Leads

    • Dr. Will Snell, (UK)
    • Jennifer Elwell (TeachKyAg)

    Partners for Delivery

    • Farmers
    • Need Extension, Conservation, County Farm Bureaus, local ag groups, and farmers markets, to showcase KY farmers.
    • KAC and all agriculture groups
    • Include local FFA chapters & postsecondary agriculture programs
    • Leverage city/county government and chamber relationships.
    • Ag Days 
    • State, regional and county leadership groups.
    • Statewide associations such as healthcare and restaurant 
    • KY Chamber Executives

    Tactic 2: Kentucky Agriculture Video

    Create short video about KY Agriculture for events and visitors based on consumer survey. Include importance of ag, national security, etc. Appeal to public interests.

    When? 2025

    Where? KY Expo Center and tourism venues

    Project Lead

    • Jennifer Elwell (TeachKyAg)

    Partners for Delivery


    Ag. Coord. & Comm. Working Group, KY agriculture organizations

    Tactic 3: Teacher Curriculum

    Work with local agriculture organizations to sponsor non-ag classroom supplemental activities, designated K-5 and 6-8. 

    Curriculum available at and

    Farm to School Challenge - October

    All in for Ag Education Week - March 17-21, 2025

    1. Market to a variety of school systems to demonstrate why it applies to them through food, life cycle, careers, etc. Seek funding for marketing and training from Ag Dev Board, KDA, USDA, and partner organizations.
    2. Continue to identify needs of classrooms for science-based material about agriculture for future development. 

    When? Ongoing

    Where?, KDA, KY Department of Education channels, virtual and in-person workshops

    Project Leads

    • Jennifer Elwell (TeachKyAg) 
    • Bethany Mattingly (KDA)

    Partners for Delivery


    STEM teachers, Public Libraries, Cooperative Extension Agents and Program Assistants, Conservation District educators, KY FFA Chapters, Homeschool co-ops and teachers, Regional education co-ops

    Tactic 4: Inventory of Ag Literacy Efforts

    Create comprehensive list of all farm to school efforts. Determine what ag literacy efforts are already being done by KAC members, categorized by target audience. Start with questionnaire sent out to KAC members and other partners to identify their programs. Also provide county program resources. 

    When? May 2024 - February 2025

    Where?,, KAC meetings and communications

    County education providers are listed at

    Project Leads

    • Jennifer Elwell (TeachKyAg) 
    • Bethany Mattingly (KDA)

    Partners for Delivery


    Ag Coord. & Comm. Working Group

    Tactic 5:  Elected Officials

    Focus on connecting with state elected officials, outside of session, in districts. Work with local Farm Bureaus to help represent ag as one voice and provide insight on ag economic development and impact, environmental issues at local level, work with consumers. Need to help local events repeatedly say ag is important – elected officials need to hear it from constituents often. 

    1. Need to integrate KY and county ag economic development numbers.
    2. Compete with non-farm economic (farms are disappearing).

    When? Ongoing

    Where? Legislator communications and events

    This map was provided to all legislators in summer 2024. 

    Project Leads

    • Chris Crumrine (UK) 
    • Kyle Kelley (KFB)

    Partners for Delivery


    • Ag Coord. & Comm. Working Group
    • Economic Development Working Group
    • Local and regional Chambers of Commerce and econ. dev. groups

    Tactic 6:  Teacher Certification

    Market how to certify K-6 teachers to have ag as a special like music or art, with hands-on learning and STEM approach, using National Center for Agriculture Literacy pilot. Consider certificate of achievement for teachers and educators. 

    When? 2026

    Where? Teacher/educator workshops and communications

    Project Leads

    • Jennifer Elwell (TeachKyAg) 
    • Laurie White (CFA) 
    • Bethany Mattingly (KDA) 
    • Scott Christmas (KFB)

    Partners for Delivery


    • KDE Office of Educator Licensure and Effectiveness
    • National Center for Agriculture Literacy
    • KFB Education Committee
    • Creekside Elementary - AgSTREAM program
    • Farm to School Network
    Ag Literacy


    Last message



    Ag Literacy Topics related to agriculture literacy and outreach to educate all audiences about Kentucky agriculture.
    13 Feb 2025 7:00 AM Jennifer Elwell (Administrator)

    The Kentucky Agricultural Council is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.
    Administrative Address: PO Box 722, Shepherdsville, KY 40165

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