Kentucky’s diverse agricultural scene, from livestock to specialty crops, thrives on collaboration. Organizations like the Kentucky Agricultural Council (KAC) bring together various stakeholders—farmers, universities, and industry groups. By working together, these entities can share best practices, like those from this Strategic Roadmap, to improve farm transitions and market access. This coordinated effort allows Kentucky agriculture to speak with a unified voice, advocating for beneficial policies and educating consumers about the state’s high-quality products. Ultimately, collaboration strengthens Kentucky agriculture as a whole, ensuring its continued success. —Tod Griffin, Strategy Lead
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Tactic 1: Crisis Communication ProtocolDevelop a proactive playbook to plan for and address biosecurity, natural disaster, water contamination, and other issues. a. Identify points of contact within ag organizations for crisis communications. b. Help disseminate disaster response communications plan from KDA (specific to species), SHIP from pork, PQA from poultry and other organizations. c. Have tabletop disaster response and communication drills on biosecurity, natural disaster, water at KAC meetings with scenarios and potentially host event with KDA on response plan (e.g. Energy Dept. workshop) annually. d. Coordinate how to respond (or not) to anti-ag media with a unified message if warranted and define communications strategy playbook for all ag organizations and employees through KAC workshop. e. Utilize premise ID and ag census data in concert with livestock organizations to identify locations of livestock in Kentucky for potential biosecurity risk in the event of an emergency-privately available as needed. When? 2024-2025 Where? KAC website could house downloadable PDF, Emails, KDA needs to host as first point of contact for water issue, KAC meetings, KY Livestock Coalition | Project Leads
Partners for Delivery
Tactic 2: Networking and Information SharingFoster collaboration of KAC member organizations by developing regular networking groups and regular communications. a. Promote KAC directory of members for building familiarity with different staff. Develop virtual “Gold Book” with mechanism for easy updating as a KAC member benefit. b. Set standard time for networking groups, such as executives, communications staff, ag literacy, etc., with set agenda for hot topics; rotate coordinators. c. Build communicators e-mail group for major announcement and highlights to be shared across ag organizations. d. Continue to build information library and resources to be shared through member organizations and down to county level. e. Create monthly KAC newsletter to build top-of-mind awareness for organizations to share information. Include hot topics, and crisis contact link. Consider topical focus areas and deadlines for KAC and continue to reiterate need for information at networking groups. When? Fall 2024 and ongoing Where? KAC Websites, email, virtual and in-person meetings | Project Leads
Partners for Delivery