Strategic Roadmap for Kentucky Agriculture: 2025-2030

Prioritize workforce development to meet employer needs by expanding career opportunities in agriculture.

Workforce development in agriculture is crucial for meeting employers’ evolving needs and ensuring a sustainable future workforce. Prioritizing it involves identifying high-demand sectors and the required competencies. Collaborating with educational institutions and industry partners, such as universities and agricultural organizations, aligns training with employer needs. Career mapping and outreach from elementary to adult learning create pathways into agricultural careers while engaging career influencers raises awareness of opportunities. Employer education is key to helping businesses understand modern workforce expectations, enabling effective retention and development strategies. Overall, workforce development drives industry expansion and fosters innovation. —Laurie Mays, Strategy Lead

View Updated Working Group Document (.docx)

    Tactic 1: Identify high-need sectors and employer needs within those sectors

    Determine current and future critical workforce needs, such as meat processors, large equipment operators and mechanics, welders, ag economic development experts, NRCS, organic inspectors, CDL, accountants/tax preparers working with farmers, et al. 

    a. Establish critical workforce needs through data (from KY Stats, USDA).

    b. Determine competencies needed in critical sectors and how to build those in both traditional & non-traditional agriculture.

      When? November 2024-2025

      Where? Kentucky Chamber Talent Pipeline Management reports, meetings with employers 

      Project Lead

      • Laurie Mays (KY Chamber Foundation)

      Partners for Delivery


      KDA Economic Development, Supply Chain Working Group, Ag Diversification & Innovation Working Group, Large Animal Veterinarian Task Force

      More than $2 million in scholarships are awarded annually to Kentucky students pursuing careers in agriculture and related fields.

      Throughout 2024, the Kentucky Agricultural Council, with assistance from the Kentucky Agriculture and Environment in the Classroom, developed a resource website - - and promotional materials to help youth and job seekers find opportunities in Kentucky agriculture.

      The website currently includes:

      • youth agriculture programs
      • career placement and exploration services (Ky FFA Works, Bus to Business)
      • available scholarships
      • post-secondary agriculture schools, colleges, and universities
      • available internships and apprenticeships
      • leadership programs
      • career profiles of Kentucky agriculture professionals
      • job listings in Kentucky agriculture

      Additions may be made by emailing

      Tactic 2: Education and Career Mapping

      Help people navigate educational and training opportunities from elementary through adult learning while strategically defining career pathways. 

      a. Identify and align (look for crossover skills) career pathways in agriculture.

      b. Provide education and training opportunities for individuals who are in recovery, reentering the workforce, changing careers, or entering the workforce for the first time. This includes a range of post-high school options, such as certificates, industry-specific training, associate degrees, apprenticeships, undergraduate degrees, and graduate-level programs (e.g., a distilling certificate).

      c. KY Chamber Bus to Business program.

      d. Inform students about financial resources for agricultural career preparation, including available scholarships and potential earnings in agricultural careers.

      e. Develop programs in urban middle and high schools to expose students to agricultural opportunities (incentivize rural and agricultural working and living). 

      When?  2025-2026

      Where?  Meetings with employers, ag organizations, VA offices, prison systems, military bases; 

      Project Leads

      • Dr. Ryan Quarles, Caleb George, Alex Butler, & Melissa Eaton (KCTCS) 
      • Laurie Mays (KY Chamber Foundation) 
      • Chris Crumrine (UK)

      Partners for Delivery


      Ag Coord. & Comm. Working Group, KY AgVets Program at KDA

      Tactic 3: Career Influencer & Education Outreach

      Engage career influencers (i.e. counselors, career coaches) in middle and high schools with educational opportunities to learn about the breadth of career opportunities in the agriculture industry. Prioritize career exposure and connections with teachers and students outside of agriculture to build awareness of agrifood jobs and eliminate barriers.

      a. Create an ag workshop/career seminar for influencers e.g. Kentucky School Counselor Association, CTE conference, and UK teacher listserv for CE resources – focus on those outside of agriculture.

      b. Compile and emphasize available scholarship dollars for students in agriculture.

      c. Continue to publish career profiles and career mapping (, KY FFA Works, UK, The Farmer’s Pride).

      d. Aligning curriculum lessons/activities with needed workforce skills.

      e. Prioritize upper elementary students, e.g. reality fairs, new elementary ag ed programs.

        When? June 2024 - September 2025

        Where? KY School Counselors Fall Conference

        Project Leads

        • Laurie Mays (KY Chamber Foundation) 
        • Jennifer Elwell (TeachKyAg) 
        • Jennifer Hardin (KY Meat Processors Assn.)

        Partners for Delivery


        Ag Literacy Working Group, KY Chambers’ Educator Industry Guide, STEM & STEAM programs in schools, KY Dept. of Education

        Tactic 4:  Employer Networking and Education

        Supporting the foundation of the industry.

        a. Convene employers to expand the use of work-based learning opportunities, apprenticeships, and adult education.

        b. Foster collaboration between employers, educational institutions, and high opportunity population agencies to ensure industry-driven program development.

        c. Educate employers on the needs and preferences of today’s workforce to enhance employee retention.

        When? Ongoing

        Where? Industry organization meetings

        Project Leads

        • Laurie Mays (KY Chamber Foundation)

        Partners for Delivery


        Farm Transitions Working Group

        The Kentucky Agricultural Council is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.
        Administrative Address: PO Box 722, Shepherdsville, KY 40165

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